Jeden z naszych flagowych produktów

128,25 kWh


200 Wh/kg

Gęstość energii

W produkcji



Wyposażone w technologię nowej generacji, gotowe na szybko zmieniający się rynek.

Optymalny skład elektrochemiczny, zgodny z Twoimi potrzebami

Naszym celem jest kompleksowy proces doboru odpowiedniego materiału elektrochemicznego do systemów bateryjnych. W trakcie procesu projektowania bierzemy pod uwagę liczne kryteria techniczne wpływające na najwyższą jakość finalnego produktu.

Configuration of cells180S1PS-serial, P-parallel
Energy Nominal 128,25 kWhBeginning of Life, C/3, @25°C
CapacityRated capacity190 AhBeginning of Life, C/3, @25°C
VoltageNominal operating 675 V Beginning of Life, C/3, @25°C
CurrentDischarge continuous 200ADepends on the DMDC table

High Efficiency and Continuous Improvement
of Technical Parameters

Thanks to our experience, many years of research and development work, and a professional R&D department, we deliver innovative and modern solutions for your investment.

Conscious Approach to Technology

At IMPACT we believe no electrochemical material for batteries is inherently superior. Our goal is to provide you with a solution that best fits your needs, also from a supply chain perspective.

Delivering Complete Systems

We view our products as complete system solutions rather than just battery packs. Our R&D Centre is ready to develop, optimize and test battery packs from the ground up, ensuring we deliver a fully functional plug & play system.

Designing to Your Requirements

From initial requirements alignment to aftersales support, our goal is to create a solution and cooperation plan that is best suited to your needs.

Innovative engineering
Effective battery systems
Delivering worldwide

Get in touch

4 GWh

Capacity in 2027

20 000+

battery systems delivered


NMC, LTO, LFP Li-ion technology


Powered by advanced BMS.